THE death of Bryan Davies is a shocking indictment of modern Britain.

Mr Davies moved to East Lancashire to improve his quality of life but local yobs made his life hell in the mistaken and ignorant belief that he was a paedophile.

His crime was to be a good neighbour. He made friends with local people, including children, and after false and malicious allegations were levelled at him by two girls he was unable to shrug off rumours about his character.

That is despite the almost unprecedented move by police to launch a poster campaign to tell residents that there was no convicted paedophile living in the area.

In England in 2009 it now seems that people cannot even talk to children without people coming to their own conclusions.

Bricks were put through Mr Davies’ windows and vandals targeted his home.

These people really should have engaged their brains before launching their hateful acts.

If their primary concern was for children then did they really think that by behaving in this manner that they were setting a good example?

Mr Davies suffered a stroke and a fatal heart attack as a result of the stress.

His tormentors should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.