There has to be a time and a place for everything. Unfortunately, this was not it.

You have to feel a little sorry for Sayeeda Warsi this week after she was pelted with eggs.

Now, I’m all for the odd egging every now and then but it was what was said to Ms Warsi that kind of made me a little concerned.

These guys wanted to prove to everyone that they were in fact better Muslims than she was because they had not ‘sold out’. Which to me makes little sense because, how does one ‘not sell-out.’ Am I by writing this very column ‘selling out’ to the powers that be? Do you ‘sell-out’ when you stop talking any other language than English? If you do end-up ‘selling-out’, is there a way of reversing the process?

I think that in Ms Warsi’s case, these people were referring to her saying things they don’t want to hear.

Just because someone says there are a fair few problems we need to tackle, does not really make them a ‘sell-out’. Hey, I don’t agree with some of the stuff she says but I wouldn’t call her a ‘bad Muslim’ for saying them.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say she is selling-out either because, at the end of the day, she wasn’t calling for people to support the wrong East Lancashire club.

I know this bunch of idiots were in a minority and some would say they get rolled out to make a scene when the powers that be choose.

But there comes a time when a line has to be drawn about what is acceptable and what isn’t.

I guess sometimes you can’t change people’s minds no matter what you do or say.

I think Ms Warsi is in a difficult position. I don’t actually know what this bunch of guys wanted her to do or be like? In what way can she not ‘sell-out’?

The strangest thing is that the very people who decided to ‘egg’ Ms Warsi probably did it wearing some sort of designer gear.

They probably benefit from the very system they propose to hate.

And they will go shopping in a mammoth store looking for the latest deals whilst spending on a card that supports the consumer-driven society.

Maybe, after all, the yoke is on them.