IT is now more than six years since 12-year-old Amy Houston was killed after being knocked down by illegal immigrant Mohammed Ibrahim.

Ibrahim was jailed for four months for driving while disqualified and failing to stop after an accident.

Ever since her death, Amy's family have been fighting for the Iraqi Kurd to be deported back to his native country.

Their campaign, spear-headed by Amy’s dad Paul, has been a real roller-coaster ride.

Last year he shed tears of relief when Ibrahim was taken into the custody of the UK Border Agency and Government officials pledged Ibrahim would be removed 'at the earliest opportunity'.

But in April the illegal immigrant won a court appeal against him being detained while his deportation case was processed.

Now Paul has been told to expect a decision on whether Ibrahim, who now has a wife and two children who have only ever lived in Britain, can stay within the next few days.

Amy’s death was a terrible tragedy which should never have happened.

But for six years to have passed before a decision is made on whether an acknowledged illegal immigrant should be allowed to stay in this country is scandalous.