HOPES are high that East Lancashire’s new super council can really kick start major regeneration.

All the area’s council leaders and chief executives have come together to form the group, which met for the first time yesterday.

They believe their collective might will bring a far greater chance of success in obtaining Government funding, and attracting private investment.

The new group does not take the name East Lancashire. This has been judged to have negative connotations and ditched.

Instead council leaders are bidding to ‘re-brand’ the area ‘Pennine Lancashire’, believing a fresh image can create new enthusiasm from outsiders.

But it is not just about image.

On the agenda yesterday was how to kick-start the plans for a racecourse in Simonstone, which have been in the pipeline for several years.

Plans to attract jobs to key business sites at Burnley Bridge and Whitebirk were also debated.

Clearly it is early days, but the PR fanfare that has accompanied the launch of this group has raised expectations. Time will be needed for true results, but the pressure is on.

Within the first year residents in ‘Pennine Lancashire’ will expect to see some major breakthroughs.