IT must have been a heart-wrenching decision for the family of Gino Hargreaves to release the picture of him lying in a coma attached to a life support machine.

The 15-year-old has been fighting for his life for a week and police are still hunting for his attackers.

It is to be hoped that the shocking image of the teenager who has suffered such terrible injuries would his shame his attackers into giving themselves up.

If there is little chance of that happening then the people who are hiding the thugs behind the assault must do the right thing and turn them into the authorities.

People must look at that image of Gino and decide if the information that they know is worth keeping to themselves.

Gino was walking home from a youth disco, like many other youngsters, when he was set upon and beaten unconscious. Police believe that Gino may just have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Officers have had some help from the community but they need more.

The yobs cannot be allowed to remain at large any longer.