YOUNG people who need foster parents are among the most vulnerable in society.

The least that these youngsters can expect is that the authorities will do their utmost to ensure they are well looked after and systems are in place to deal with their needs.

Today’s news that an extra £2.5million is to be pumped into the system in East Lancashire is to be welcomed.

Just a year ago the service was judged to be failing by children’s services agency Ofsted.

There were fears that children were being placed with unapproved carers and overcrowding in some foster homes.

But improvements are starting to be made and now councillors have launched an action plan to ensure they continue.

It is vital that these improvements are made and those who need the help of the authorities are not let down.

Children are at risk from a variety of sources but one of those risks should not include the very system which was set up to protect them.

Let’s hope that by the time Ofsted again review the situation the service has achieved its target of excellence.