WE are separated by 3,000 miles and the wide expanse of the Atlantic Ocean.

The distance means the US presidential race between John McCain and Barack Obama may appear to have little relevance in East Lancashire.

Yet we are much more closely linked and the repercussions will be felt here after the winner is announced following Tuesday’s election.

The global banking crisis we face today was partly caused by the subprime mortgages handed out to American families which later could not be repaid.

That is on a national level.

But the link goes deep into East Lancashire.

The choice of president may have repercussions on defence spending.

And many local jobs are tied up in that industry.

Other local firms are owned by US firms.

And, as illustrated by our special feature, today there are 340 Americans living in East Lancashire and many more expats who have taken up residence in the US.

No doubt many will question the heavy national media coverage of the US election.

But when the new president walks up Pennsylvania Avenue into the White House the footsteps will be heard and felt in East Lancs.