INNOCENCE! It’s difficult to think of how innocent as children we were.

Where babies came from and how they got there was a complete mystery until the age of about nine, then somebody graphically explained the procedure.

I was astounded and said to him (for of course it was a him) “Your mum and dad may do that sort of thing but not my mum and dad”.

Now five-year-olds are to be taught ‘body parts and relationships’.

Not an easy task. We adults sometimes find relationships difficult.

The sad fact is we’ve been pumping sex education into school children for years, yet still have the highest rate of teenage mothers in the western world.

That perhaps shows how successful it’s been.

A good idea would be to show them how difficult motherhood is, or better still teach them to value themselves as people and something other than as a sex object.

We should all be ashamed that we have allowed this to happen, perhaps a start would be to curtail fringe benefits, except for those in real need, and make the parents of young under-age mothers accept their responsibilities.

Maybe then they would take a little more interest in what their children were doing and who with.