It has been a funny week all round. First of all we had Mr ‘’I’ll say the first thing that comes out of my mouth” Bakri Mohammed having a pop at the X Factor.

According to reports, it forced the programme-makers to increase security for staff.

Now, I am all for issuing fatwas. And I must admit I have issued a fair few in my time, most notably against motorists who slouch while driving, and people who offer me custard cream biscuits when I frequent their house.

But you have to draw the line somewhere.

I am no real fan of the X Factor, but saying it is the devil’s work is taking it a bit far.

It can really take you to hell and back but it is bearable for most of the time.

Somehow 48 (I Googled it) mainstream news organisations decided to include this irrelevant man’s comments on their pages. Maybe they knew something I didn’t.

With the US presidential election less than two weeks away, I am awaiting the ground-breaking event that everyone is talking about.

Apparently it will make people think twice before voting for a charismatic, charming young man with great hair instead of the older man who is named after some oven chips.

My bet is on another Osama tape or maybe a fatwa against hamburgers.

Then again the powers that be may have decided the new guy ain’t so bad and might just make the world take their nation seriously again.

I am a keen follower of the US election and the nation’s history because of the effort they put in to democracy.

There will be people saying it is all about how much money you spend but you have to admit it is a wonderful spectacle.

Finally, I had promised myself I was not going to mention anything about the state of the ecomony.

But you know you are in recession when people are paying for a pack of 10 fags with their credit cards.

I spotted several people this week who were really making that piece of plastic work for them.

By the way, you are in a depression when the age of the ‘single’ (cigarette) returns.

I can safely say we’re quite a way off from that yet.