CONCERN has been expressed throughout the country about the problem of teenage binge-drinking.

We have all seen youngsters, who are clearly not old enough to be legally buying alcohol, staggering around town centres on Friday and Saturday nights in a state which puts them and others at risk.

We and many others have repeatedly made the point that the parents of these teenagers have a duty to ensure they know where their children are and what they are doing.

And they should be held responsible and made accountable for any offensive and dangerous behaviour.

Many would no doubt claim they cannot keep tabs on their sons and daughters all the time.

But that excuse is certainly not available to those adults who, according to police, have been dropping their children off at Blackburn’s Witton Park “loaded with bags of alcohol” for booze-fuelled benders.

One drunken 13-year-old girl was taken home by police after being found slumped unconscious. This irresponsibility is outrageous.

These adults should be tracked down and prosecuted with the full vigour of the law to send out a message that such behaviour will not be tolerated.