IT is alarming that the number of sex offenders living in East Lancashire has risen sharply in the past year.

But it is also reassuring to hear that the authorities have the criminals under control.

We trust the authorities when they say that they are keeping track of them and applaud Lancashire police, along with other agencies, for their proud record in monitoring sex offenders in the community.

They point to the fact that since their conviction none of these criminals has gone on to breach a personal sexual offences prevention order or to commit a serious sexual or violent offence.

It is good to know that just nine low risk, and two high risk, offenders breached their prison licence in the last year.

However it could be argued that any repeat offence by a high risk offender on licence is unacceptable.

While we are told that many of these criminals are originally from this area we must make sure that we are not saddled with a disproportionate number of hostels that house people from other parts of the country.

All families will be concerned about the number of sex offenders in East Lancashire and we must also be assured that the tough controls that are in place work as effectively as possible.