EAST Lancashire hospitals have been dogged by controversy ever since Burnley General’s A&E was closed last November.

And the political rows have often overshadowed the incredible work carried out by our doctors and nurses.

Their stories of dedication and care have been sidelined – until now. Chiefs of the Royal Blackburn opened the hospital’s doors to our health reporter Camilla Sutcliffe.

Over the course of a week she was given full access to a variety of wards, their staff and patients.

Her findings have been compiled into a six-part series which starts today.

And, as you will discover this week, Camilla found a hospital in which patients were happy with their care from dedicated staff who love their jobs.

The series begins with oncology. Others areas will include gynaecology, the children’s ward, cardiology and, of course, A&E.

You will read moving and uplifting stories, gain an unrivalled insight into the workings of the hospital and discover how the latest technology is being used to improve our health.

‘Your Hospital’ should not be missed.