We killed more the than 50 unborn babies each working hour of last year.

On Wednesday, Parliament is to be asked to massively increase this rate, and concerned voters are invited to tell their MPs what they think.

There’s still time. Here’s my open letter to my Hyndburn MP, and if anything in it strikes a chord with you, then please feel free...

Dear Greg Pope,
Please consider voting against New Clause 1 in Wednesday’s Embryology Bill.

If passed, it will massively liberalise the present law and create abortion on demand within the first 24 weeks of pregnancy.

The clause suggests that abortion should be treated like any normal medical procedure requiring the signed approval of only one doctor instead of the present two.

The original 1967 Act accepted that the taking of a human life was not a normal procedure and required abnormal safeguards.

An extra signature not only gave more thinking time for vulnerable expectant mothers but also provided legal safeguards for doctors themselves.

Also, in Europe, 12 weeks is a common upper limit for abortions, by which time the baby is all but formed, as recent pictures have vividly shown.

Europe also has cooling off periods, statutory counselling or informed consent laws while we have none of these.

Too many women now look back with regret on hasty decisions.

The UK already has one of the highest rates of abortion in Europe, double those of the Netherlands, Germany and Italy.

Abortion undermines human rights – the right to life.

Yours etc.