GOD bless Mr Cameron for recently kicking off a public discussion on how we treat our kids.

Perhaps God might bless the rest of us if we let him into the debate.

Fearful parents could be reminded of the origin of their authority.

The Ultimate Authority delegates to them stating, Do not be afraid of discipline'. Remember that folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him' (Proverbs).

The liberals who've allowed kids to scoff at any authority and to take over home and school would also benefit greatly from a cruise through God's wisdom.

Also, an over-fearful Criminal Records Bureau culture that turns kids into untouchables' and makes adults give them a wide berth, might rebalance by following Jesus who took children in his arms and blessed them' (Mark 10).

And here's a divine top tip: train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it' (Proverbs).

Incidentally, those who sexualise kids through pre-teen mags, clothes, and violent videos should remember this proverb also works in reverse.

Actually, Mr. C, we need no long debate. This is one 'wheel' we needn't reinvent.

God's Word is a treasury of advice on how society and parents might win back and retain control.

Incidentally, going God's way carries with it a gold guarantee of success and prosperity (Joshua 1:8).

Can't be bad.