AT LEAST this is the final Friday before the election. I am concerned that as we go on people are becoming more and more irate about things that a few weeks ago didn’t actually matter.

If you ask the average Joe if he honestly cares who gets elected the answer will be a resounding ‘no’, making politics interesting is not easy but you will find people trying their best.


It is boring and no matter how hard we try it will be boring in a couple of hundred years too.

Yes, we like to think it is interesting but I recollect speaking to a youth group some weeks back and they found it boring too.

When I was that age I found it boring, but as you hit middle age for some reason it becomes ‘interesting’. It is probably due to the fact at this age you need an argument to keep you ticking along.

Without the odd argument over the budget deficit and immigration you end up fussing over the colour of the curtains. Which is kind of more boring.

Also, this election we have seen the rise of sarcastic social media political commentator or SSMP (Not to be confused with SNP who if we are to believe everything we read are the most dangerous thing to happen to British politics since the Magna Carta).

The SSMP is essentially the person who sits behind their laptop and makes up stuff as he or she goes along.

As soon as someone posts something they have to make a sarcastic comment and pretend they are some respected political commentator, who feels they were overlooked by Have I Got News For You when they were younger and having discovered the internet feel they have a god-given right to moan at everything that moves.

There are thousands of them across the country and they have spent the whole election retweeting and posting links in the hope it will make the other candidate look bad.

It makes no difference which party you are backing... Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem – the key is finding a dubious link to something.

While they think they are adding to the debate they are in fact just adding to the mountain of nonsense already on the internet.

Meanwhile it bores the rest of us.

Anyway, at least I got the grass cut.

As for last week, before I go I have been told it is ‘crocked’ and not ‘cropped’. Yes, thank you for your message... I stand corrected.