Drat, that's it! Just completed some survey/return & the top age category, the one I found membership of, was...61+! I don't like it!

Earlier in the week, well tutored by a former youth work colleague, Jane Binnion, I attended an Introduction to Social Media hosted by our local Healthwatch.


A few months ago I'd discussed social media with our son's father in law. He has no truck with social media, calls it all Twit-Face, which made me chuckle!

I have a Twitter account, Facebook & Linked In. I use the former two, but have lost the plot on the latter.

I really don't understand them, their scope etc. Don't know if I should fear them & just have fun with them.

I can just about restrain myself to 140 characters, but don't know my @ sign from my hash tag!

I have no real understanding on Face Book of the nuance between a Status & the other thingie!

I can attach a photo & stuff like direct message. But it's all untutored guess work! What's a Share, a Like, a Call to Action.

Do I need to know more or accept my 61+ status?

A Round Table pal of mine had told me he targeted a recruiting drive via one of the social media, aiming at the right gender, age group & locality. He harvested over half a dozen new recruits!

I understand Zuckerberg & co's "invention" was opened as Facemash in 2003. They accrue an advertising income, we're told, of some $10bn a year!

I really don't know enough, perhaps there's training videos on You Tube to help me?

How are you with the social media?