Not easy being a younger person these days?

But I spent a hot but happy day in King Georges Hall the other day. Higher Education Awards day had come round again!

And how splendid our graduands looked! Gowns, hoods & mortar boards regaling! So big & well supported is our College, that we need two sessions now.

Such a wonderful pair of events, stretching over 8 or 9 hours, to see the grins, hear the cheers, sense the pride and success of our students, their teachers and families was wondrous!

But it ain't easy, is it, being younger these days? Was it ever easy? Do they have it easy?

So some youngsters never get off their backsides? Always find an excuse NOT to do something! But for every youngster that "cannot" do something, anything & I'll find you ten who faced & got over that "barrier". Those are the ones I do what I do for. Those who strive, fail, fall down, but get up again! Bring them on!

We can offer them opportunities but they have to take them!

So help all youngsters, give them opportunities, chances to talk, but listen to them. Give them chances to try things. Encourage, praise, the rewards will come to them. As to the others? I do despair. I have given many young people a final chance often! They normally get it in the end.