Lent is a time Christians spend reflecting, waiting and in extra worship. Lent is also a wonderful opportunity for me to look forward to Ramadan, when I prepare for extra worship, when I reflect on my words and actions.

When I think about others, and who are in need of a helping hand. Lent provides an opportunity for me to link-in with my Christian friends and find commonalities that binds us together.

Lent and Ramadan are like two pearls on a string which binds our two communities together, side by side and should to shoulder. Lent is very much a time for Christians to strengthen their relationship with God, and I see that so closely at Blackburn Cathedral, through their worship and discussions. Lent is an opportunity for Christians to live out their faith, and I as a Muslim welcome that because it gives me an opportunity to see the lived experience of Christianity.

Anjum Anwar,  Dialogue Development Officer at Blackburn Cathedral