This year I’m doing something different for Lent. Instead of giving up chocolate or twitter, I’m trying something I found on twitter - I’m giving up being busy ( This isn’t supposed to be an excuse for laziness!

Instead it’s a chance to refocus, so that time is seen as a gift, so that I don’t tell others how busy I am so that they can think I’m important.

To achieve it I know I shall have to watch how I talk about my time, and work out how to use it well. It’s all about an attitude of mind, and that’s fed by the practical step of finding a few minutes every day to do nothing, to just let time pass.

Being a Christian, I suspect that I already know that God will be in that space of doing nothing, but I’m not doing anything, so that’s up to him. I’m not busy!

Canon Sue Penfold, Director of Ministry and Residentiary Canon, Diocese of Blackburn.