A THIEF who wanted to join a sub-aqua club pinched a wetsuit and rode off on a stolen bike – dripping wet, a court was told.

Drug addict Mark Cattlin, 41, said to have wanted to swim in Cowm reservoir, Whitworth, had wandered into the changing rooms at the Ski Centre.

Instead of asking about lessons, he put on the wetsuit under his clothes and then walked out, magistrates heard.

Cattlin’s escapade at the club on Tong Lane, was described by his solicitor as “rather farcical” and he added it was obvious to staff as the defendant walked out that he was wet through.

Glen Smith said Cattlin, who was on a suspended jail term, had mental health problems and “wasn’t thinking straight.”

Cattlin, of Thornylea, Whitworth, admitted two counts of theft. He was bailed until November 10, for a pre-sentence report to be compiled.

Alex Mann, prosecuting, told the court Cattlin made off on a £300 mountain bike which was not his.

Mr Smith said Cattlin had wanted to ask about sub-aqua lessons but put the wetsuit on and it was quite evident to staff what he had done when they saw him ride off.