A MURDER trial has heard how a former Rossendale man attacked in an Essex street died after he was kicked or stamped on.

Medical experts said the cause of William Prosser's death was put down to a cardiac arrest caused by a blocked airway.

But a jury also heard how a major contributing factor to his death were a series of kicks to his head and body.

Mr Prosser, 36, who lived in Newchurch between 1999-2000, was discovered lying against a wall in a town centre alley after the incident in April last year.

Chelmsford Crown Court heard how he was still alive when he was seen at first but lost consciousness and died later on.

Medical experts told the court that oxygen and blood had been unable to get to his brain as the position his body ended up in resulted in an "flexed neck and blocked airway."

Pathologist Dr Nat Carey said: "The cause of death was a head injury and a lack of oxygen to the brain."

A contributory feature was a series of kicks to Mr Prosser's head and body which made him lose consciousness, Dr Carey added.

The doctor was giving evidence in the trial of Matthew Bourne, from Point Clear Road, St Osyth. He denies murdering Mr Prosser on April 9 last year.

The jury of six women and six men have been told both men ended up in Balkerne Passage after a row in a nearby sandwich shop between Mr Prosser and 22-year-old Bourne.

The trial has heard a friend of Bourne hit Mr Prosser and he fell to the ground before Bourne allegedly started kicking him.

At the time, Mr Prosser, from Lee Cross, Diggle, near Oldham in Lancashire, was visiting a Royal Navy friend in Colchester.

The case continues.