THE family of a five-year-old Lancashire boy who drowned in a swimming pool at a family party today paid tribute to their "loving, comical child".

Hayden Crowe was found by his mother at the bottom of an outdoor heated pool after he wandered off from other children at his uncle's farm in Leyland.

The youngster was unable to swim unaided and would only enter the water using armbands.

After playing in the pool with his sisters he returned inside the house in Ulnes Walton Lane last Saturday to dry off but then slipped back outside unnoticed.

Police and paramedics were called to the address but they failed to revive him and he died in hospital several hours later.

In a statement, his family said: "Hayden was a sweet, innocent and placid-natured child. Loving, yet comical and full of fun and energy.

"Hayden was a pupil at Moss Side County Primary School in Moss Side, Leyland.

"At his funeral, the church was full to capacity and the local streets were lined with neighbours and friends who had all turned out to pay their final respects, testament to Hayden's popularity.

"He will be greatly missed by all."