A ROMAN Catholic church in Pendle has revealed its own ‘relics’ of a famous saint, as a nationwide tour of the revered French nun’s remains is undertaken.

A casket containing the thigh and foot bones of St Thérèse of Lisieux, who died in 1897, is visiting 28 sites in England and Wales.

However, separate relics of the French Carmelite nun are also on display at St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, Barnoldswick.

Although it is not part of the tour, St Joseph’s two relics have been with the church for several generations, Father Simon Winn said.

St Joseph’s has fragments of bone and a lock of hair from St Thérèse, described by Pope Pius X as “the greatest saint of modern times”.

The relics, credited with promoting healing and reconciliation, are likely to draw huge crowds during the month-long national tour.

Although the nun died at the young age of 24, she came to wider attention after her inspirational autobiography was published.

Mother Teresa took her name from Thérèse and Princess Diana was known on occasion to light a candle at her statue.

Her remains have already been to such places as Iraq, Lebanon and Bosnia as well as the USA, Russia, and Australia.

They were even taken to Baghdad seven years ago in the hope of averting the Iraq conflict.

In 1997, on the centenary of her death, Pope John Paul II proclaimed St Thérèse one of the “Doctors of the Church”, saints whose message is seen by the Church as having a special and universal importance.

The Barnoldswick church now has its two relics, previously displayed next to the statue of St Thérèse, in cases on the main altar.

Father Winn said: “People can see the relics at Mass, but I wouldn’t want to invite people along and make it into a competition with the national tour.”

Barnoldswick councillor David Whipp said: “We have a rich and fantastic ecclesiastical heritage in Barnoldswick. This is something else we should be proud of.

“I wasn’t aware we had such relics residing in Barnoldswick, but if it is something that puts the town on the map I am in favour of it.”

The national tour runs until Friday.