A DAD who assaulted his wife told police their relationship was ‘terrible’, Burnley magistrates heard.

The court was told how Jac Barr's victim Alicja ended up with a reddening to her left eye and cheek. The defendant was interviewed by police the same day and said he had told his wife he wanted to move out, she had told him he would not see their child again and ‘it kicked off,’ after that.

Barr, 43, told officers he and the victim had been together for five years and they had split up for a couple of years before getting back together recently. The defendant, from Roberts Street, Nelson, but who has been bailed to live in Halifax, admitted assault by beating on June 27. Barr, who has a previous conviction against the same victim, had his case adjourned until July 23, for a pre-sentence report.

Mark Williams, for Barr, said in his police interview, he stated it was a fight. He accepted he had thrown the first punch, which caused his wife to fall. He was currently living with his parents.