A FEMALE engineer is calling for more women to join her in pursuing the profession after securing a challenging apprenticeship at a local aerospace company.

Courteney Leech, 18, who is currently training at Themis, at Burnley College, was offered the position in response to a tireless campaign to break into the industry.

After sending her CV to local engineering companies in the hope of employment, she was offered a place at a group interview for an engineering company and triumphed over 100 other applicants who attended.

Currently, The Women’s Engineering Society estimate only seven per cent of the British workforce is female – the lowest number in Europe.

Courteney said: “The opportunities are there for women to get into engineering and the career path is clear.

“The training facilities at Themis have given me the confidence to apply my skills in the workplace, so I’d encourage any woman to consider engineering as a profession.”