PARISHIONERS in Edenfield are making final arrangements for their annual Summer Music Concert at the parish church on Sunday, July 13.

This year’s event at the church in Market Street is entitled “Sing As We Go”, and will be headlined by the Rossendale Encore Concert Band who will be playing a selection of wartime tunes.

There will also be performances by members of the church choir led by its director of music, Keith Hotham.

Churchwarden David Foster said “This will be the church’s seventh Summer Music Concert, and a very warm welcome is assured at Edenfield Parish Church.

“Previous concerts have been very well attended and have raised several thousand pounds to help the church continue its presence and its work in the village”.

Refreshments will be available, and music lovers will be encouraged to enjoy afternoon tea in the churchyard. Children will be welcome, and soft drinks and ice cream will also be on offer.

Tickets are £5 and can be bought from Market Street News in Edenfield, or by contacting Mr Foster on 01706 825648, and the event begins at 2.30pm.