Extinction Rebellion protesters played another game of cat and mouse with police on the ninth day of protests in London.

London Bridge was the main focus with protesters and police facing each other, with a bus parked on the southern side of the busy capital crossing.

The campaigners relied on tried-and-trusted tactics of gluing themselves to surfaces to make the police’s task in removing them more difficult.

Road closures were put in place with police saying hours would be needed to restore normality.

In a year when the UK Government will hold the Cop26 gathering in Glasgow to discuss action to tackle climate change, the protesters made clear their feelings that strong action was needed.

Extinction Rebellion protests
Demonstrators during a protest in central London (Ian West/PA)
Demonstrators inside London Bridge station (Ian West/PA)
Protesters inside London Bridge station (Ian West/PA)

The current wave of protests in London is due to last two weeks.

London Bridge is one of the capital’s busiest hubs for commuters.

Police and demonstrators with a bus parked on London Bridge (Ian West/PA)
Police and demonstrators with a bus parked on London Bridge (Ian West/PA)
Extinction Rebellion protests
(Ian West/PA)
Demonstrators and police come face to face (Ian West/PA)
(Ian West/PA)
Extinction Rebellion protests
(Ian West/PA)

Demonstrators say some of their tactics are justified by what they see as the Government’s lack of resolve in tackling what they believe to be a climate crisis.

Extinction Rebellion London tweeted: “We will leave the streets when the Government starts treating the climate emergency like an emergency.

“Covid showed what the Government can do in a crisis, it’s the level of response required for the climate but sustained over years. #ExtinctionRebellion.”

Police attempt to free a man who has glued himself to the road Ian West/PA)
Police attempt to free a man who has glued himself to the road (Ian West/PA)
Extinction Rebellion protests
(Ian West/PA)
Extinction Rebellion protests
(Ian West/PA)
Police and demonstrators with a bus parked on London Bridge (Ian West/PA)
(Ian West/PA)
Extinction Rebellion protests
(Ian West/PA)

London Bridge was not the only site of protest, with other campaigners gathering along Whitehall.

Protesters pushed prams past the top of Downing Street as they vented their discontent against the Government’s policies.

Extinction Rebellion protests
(James Manning/PA)
Demonstrators on Whitehall (James Manning/PA)
(James Manning/PA)

The group’s protests have become a regular feature of London life and to date 367 arrests have been made during the current wave of demonstrations.

Eleven arrests were made on Tower Bridge on Monday.