Jack Straw 's critical antennae seem to have failed him somewhat in his attempt to write off ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ as nothing more than a harmless bit of slap and tickle to be enjoyed by elderly readers sipping their Horlicks.

If we are to follow the theme, we could re-title the book as qualifying for another instalment of the famous Carry On series.

However, if Jack had looked more closely at The Guardian he would have come across a rather darker interpretation by one who ought to know about the devastating effect of abusive relationships.

Clare Phillipson, director of the Wearside Women in Need Refuge, is very blunt in her analysis, saying that it is ‘an abusive relationship presented as a love story’.

She continues by likening some of the book's descriptions to Fred West's infamous cellar at 25 Cromwell Street.

karolgadge (via website).