RE ‘£44,500 benefit cheat was running markets’ (LT April 20), this man has for five years cheated not only the DWP but taxpayers of by falsely claiming £44,500 Disability Living Allowance whilst running two market stalls.

Surveillance had shown him carrying heavy bags, walking long distances unaided and standing for long hours at his market stalls, despite claiming he could not walk more than 45 to 50 metres because of heart problems.

Now he has received a paltry four months prison sentence of which he will most probably serve less than half, and is reportedly paying back the fraudulent proceeds at £17.70 per week!

According to my reckoning that will take 2,514 weeks (48 years) to pay back. He is 64 so will be 112 when he has paid all the money back.

This so-called punishment is really going to hurt him isn’t it? What a joke. I just hope this money is coming from his business earnings (when he’s out of prison that is) and not from further benefits he may still be getting.

As has been stated by many over the years, our judges, living in their little bubbles, need to come and live in the real world.

Kevin Shanley, Blackburn.