IN the forthcoming local elections in Blackburn with Darwen, I feel it prudent, if I may, to perhaps bring to the attention of the local electorate to keep in mind something which I feel is very important to every ward.

In the last few months in the Beardwood and Lammack area, a problem has arisen that has affected many, many residents over the last couple of years over a proposed development and has, I feel, brought to light the important issue that any councillor up for election should most certainly reside in the area that he, or she, represents.

How can a councillor get an understanding for the feelings of the residents, and really appreciate the problem first hand, if they do NOT live in the area.

If a councillor knows first hand the geography of his, or her, ward, knows the people of the area, gets a grip on the climate and atmosphere of the feeling put forward to them from the residents, then I feel sure that it is more logical than a councillor who represents a ward who lives perhaps five, or six, or even more miles away who, to all intents and purposes, is REMOTE to the situation involved.

Chris Eggleston Quebec Road, Blackburn.