I would like to comment on the article ‘Wrong bin use brings fines’ (LT February 6).

Several months ago – and reported in this newspaper – a person who was found by police to be in possession of and using cocaine was ultimately fined between £150 and £200 in crown court, and given a curfew of two months (what I consider a very lenient punishment).

The two ladies in Darwen were ordered to pay (because they used the wrong wheelie bins – oh dear, how terrible) a total of £759 each in fines and costs.

I do not think they should have even been fined – perhaps a cautionary word in their ear – because I am sure this is a very easy mistake to make and probably a lot of us have done it!

There is something very wrong with our judicial system and there has been for a very long time, and it is about time it was completely overhauled.

Otherwise, eventually we will find a society with so much unrest that it resorts to Bedlam.

Chris Eggleston (via email).