I AM writing about the article ‘Beardwood School Reunion Events for the summer’ (LT, January 31).

In 1993 I organised what I believe was the first reunion of ex-pupils of what was Billinge High School.

In the 19 years since then re-unions seem to have sprung up everywhere, and thanks to site like Facebook are easier to organise.

I lived in America then and organised it all from there – the Lancashire Telegraph did a piece on us – and we all came back into town on planes, trains and automobiles.

It made a great story as we were scattered around the world.

The unique part is that in 1968 the then Billinge Grammar School had only fourth, fifth and sixth-formers.

We, the year of 1968 were the first EVER first years.

I have already started to make phone calls, but it will hopefully be a much easier job this time round to find everyone.

We will be in the oldest (and smallest minority) group but intend to make it a night to remember.

This time may be the last time. In another 19 years it won’t be possible.

Many of the links with Blackburn have been lost as our parents have passed away or jobs and family have taken us to other places.

One lucky friend – Janet Calladine (nee O'Sullivan) has kept contact from Hong Kong, Singapore, Brazil but could be anywhere now.

The link between that first reunion and this one is that we will be some of the oldest there – and we don’t seem to communicate quite so readily via social networks.

We want to make sure we get together for this Last Year Celebration for Billinge/ Beardwood, especially the staff who were such a special part of our lives and are part of where we all are today.

Maria-Louise Morton (nee Malouu Kay) maria.morton21@btinternet.com