How short sighted of Blackburn with Darwen Council to withdraw funding from the Churches Action furniture store.

There will be more fly tipping of furniture items that could have been put to good use.

Not only will the area be blighted by these items but removing them will be costly for the council.

Electrical items and furniture were refurbished by the charity and given to people who were suffering hardship for one reason or another.

Some were young homeless who had found unfurnished shelter or maybe released from prison and seeking to make a fresh start. I find it ironic that the article appears on the same page with an advert for ‘cheap’ suites costing £899 !!!

Fifty six people were trained in the workshop and their new found skills enabled them to find work.

The group also tested electrical items for local charities to sell when they had use of the council charity shop on Penny Street. That resource will no longer be available even if the council provides new premises.

Where is David Cameron's Big Society?

It's not visible at all.

Come on Jack Straw and Jake Berry, get behind this charity and urge the government to reinstate the training funding for organisations.

E Eastham (by email)