DEAR Prime Minister, I, like many others, feel exasperated about many things that we hear in the news.

However, I feel I would like to pass on my thoughts and concerns on to you as Prime Minister regarding the phone hacking and the people in positions of authority who have been involved in this for personal gain only.

I, like you, am a parent and, together with my husband, we have brought up out two children to have respect for those in authority (they are both now adults and have responsible jobs and contribute accordingly to society).

The main reason for my concern is how disappointing it is to hear reports of appalling behaviour of these people in authority who we find we can no longer trust or look up to.

Both my children have separately spoken to us and questioned whether respect is due to these people at all. I did struggle to find an answer.

I would like you to inform me what action the Government, which, after all, has been elected to run the country, is going to take to rid our country of this corruption and start to put the country first and no the self interest of wealthy individuals.

The family of Millie Dowler will be going through hell at losing their daughter without this added pressure. I, although I am only one person, feel let down and that we as a country deserve a better standard of leadership, one that we can have confidence in.

I trust I will receive a reply which will restore my optimism which used to be that: “I live in the best country and that is because the commitment of its leadership is second to none.”

Kathleen Foster, A very concerned citizen