SO, Herr Blair has finally gone where most of us knew he would eventually - the control of society to identify potential troublemakers from poor families before they are even born!

Is no one else even the slightest bit worried over this?

Because you should be really.

Families failing to comply with the new legislation will be fined or punished financially or worse.

The signs for where Blair was going have been there all along, but plenty of the population sat back and let it happen.

What do we have next? Sterilisation of poor people or those already stigmatised by Blair's government to prevent breeding'?

I think we all should be very wary of this.

It isn't going to stop the likes of the mass murderer Harold Shipman is it? He wasn't from a poor family.

These policies are nothing more than pandering to the rich and wealthy in society who can look down upon the impoverished, and who have the luxury to do so without any comeback.

Is this what Labour was all about? Or will we be seeing the Red Star flying at Downing Street pretty soon with President of the World Bush in tow?

We have all been sold down the river by people we thought we could trust, yet we voted them in. No, the seeds of what voters did are apparent.

So ask yourselves where this is really heading? Or you may very well wake up in a world where everything changed overnight and it's too late to change.

By which time we will all be worried. Only a fool would ignore the dangers coming our way.

If you aren't then you are fortunate.

MAL REYNOLDS (address supplied).