I received a flier for the Pendleside Hospice Midnight Walk on July 2.

Apart from the fact that men are excluded (we don’t all fall asleep in front of the telly before 12) it disturbs me why “a very welcome bacon butty” is offered to all finishers.

This is cancer fuel, not cancer care.

From a health perspective, no-one can be unaware that animal products such as “bacon butties” are the root cause of bowel cancer, breast cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Scientific evidence tells us that 90 per cent of cancers and heart disease are the result of poor lifestyle choices: ie they can be prevented.

Animal fats are not a healthy lifestyle choice and it surprises me that Pendleside Hospice can ignore this.

I appreciate that a vegetarian option is offered but there is a victim here, a sufferer behind that bacon butty.

These are foods that cry and I would have expected better from a charity in the caring business.

Death is always around the corner but often we give it inordinate help, and those who choose life would be well advised leave out the bacon butty or reserve a place in the hospice now.

Vernon Stuttard, Fence.