I fully endorse the letter by C R James (LT, May 24, ‘No Justice in Toytown’).

If this government does not listen to the people, we will end up with bedlam in this country.

We need a referendum on the EU. Why should taxpayers be paying £300million a month to this monstrous organisation?

We need a referendum on the Criminal’s Charter (the cancerous and destructive Human Rights Act), which allows evil people to get away with murder, rape, grievous assault etc and leaves the innocent damaged for the rest of their lives.

We need a referendum on the return of capital punishment – and before the nanny state starts ranting, in these days of technology (well established in the forensic laboratory), it would be impossible that an innocent person could be put to death.

And we need a referendum on what we citizens want regarding control over immigration legislation – eg strict border controls, strict adherence to benefits hand-outs, strict scrutiny of immigrant documentation and a points system of entry to this country.

Chris Eggleston, Quebec Road, Blackburn.