I NEED to share a serious worry with the residents in Burnley Trinity ward and indeed Padiham.

Up to April this year the Elevate target areas were three, initially Burnley Wood, Daneshouse, South West Burnley with Trinity and Padiham as a second phase, all of which had consultation and public information exercises in progress.

Having not seen or heard any mention of Trinity or Padiham recently, I have been asked what is happening.

I have now been told by the council leader that all the money will be spent in Burnley Wood, Daneshouse and the Duke Bar area over the next two years.

I understand that in that time £25 million will come into the borough via Elevate.

Trinity over the past few years has received very little investment and now it will be at least three years before any consideration will be given to any major development in the Trinity and indeed Padiham areas.

I would also like people to realise that Trinity includes Piccadilly, Trafalgar and Healeywood.

TONY LAMBERT, Trinity Ward Councillor, Ravenoak Lane, Worsthorne.