Labour claims to be opposed to cuts in public expenditure, but not a single Labour Council has refused to implement them and no councillors have resigned in protest.

They are willing executives of the ConDem government’s policies, whilst shedding crocodile tears.

If Labour were in power, they would be making similar cuts on a different time scale and with a different regional distribution; the same cuts, nevertheless.

Labour is as determined as the present governemnt to make the working class pay for ther capitalist crisis.

Their opposition is bogus and entirely hypocritical.

In a socialist society the cuts would be unthinkable because a different set of priorities would prevail.

In Cuba in the 1990s, the economic hardship resulting from the collapse of the Soviet Union were answered by an increase in the proportion of GDP assigned to health and education.

This despite the illegal US blockade which to date has cost Cuba $236bn.

Z Ahmed, Blackburn.