ON behalf of myself and the mayoress, I wish to thank all who attended the Civic Service at Blackburn Cathedral on Sunday.

The service was a special occasion for my family and the borough so I greatly appreciate everyone who braved the weather and supported us.

Our borough faces very difficult challenges in the year ahead with many people going through hard times because they have lost their job both here in our council and outside. If you would like me to help promote your cause in any way, please feel free to contact me. I will do what I can to promote our borough both nationally and internationally, to encourage the growth of our business, education and manufacturing sectors.

I see it as part of my duty as mayor to strengthen the sense of community cohes-ion between all sectors – not just between racial groups, but between young and old and, as a Darrener dare I say, between Blackburn and Darwen.

Coun Karimeh Foster.