IT seems that the cost of insuring your car in the BB area post code is spiralling out of control.

I work in car sales in Blackburn and hear a bad report every day.

Examples include someone with full no claims in their 50s and their insurance going up every year, and a young driver being forced to pay more a month for their insurance than they are expected to pay for the car bought on finance.

And then there’s my girlfriend who has just moved from Nottingham.

Her insurance has jumped from £45 per month to a whopping £86 and she has not moved from a dissimilar area.

My question is, with the current cost of petrol and now the high cost of insurance in this area, when is the government going to start to look into these insurance companies that know they have us over a barrel when it comes to purchasing our government imposed policies?

Richard L Hicken, Darwen.