Hate begets hate begets hate.

What do all extremists have in common? They are all paranoid and insecure; fearful of the ‘other’ group.

They scapegoat the ‘other’ as being out to get them. Attack before they attack you.

The irony is, extremists need each other. Without one set of extremists, the other extremists don’t exist.

Like a bunch of schoolkids, each one claims the other started it.

Seeing the EDL last Saturday, Muslim extremists probably feel justified in their hate.

Vice-versa, seeing Muslim extremists in papers burning poppies etc, justifies EDL’s hate.

They both would love to polarise people, and to create an armageddon scenario.

That would prove they’re right.

I hope and pray the nutters on both sides are sidelined and the moderates given a bigger voice.

A Hussain, Langham Road, Blackburn.