Margo lost for words?

Knowing Margo since I was a child up Green Lane, she would never shirk hard work and must have jumped at the chance to help serve the EDL contingent on Saturday.

After an interesting conversation with one EDL protester, via her Tuesday column, she then felt free to get on with whatever she wanted to do.

Sadly, many loyal Blackburn shoppers and shopkeepers could not share that freedom, nor was that freedom visited upon the 20,000 Blackburn Muslims who, for the most part, must have felt trapped and intimidated in their own town. If we are set to blame others for our own shortcomings, as we are wont to do, the downward slope will become ever steeper.

Is this not how it all started in 1933 a few hundred miles east of here, and are we to admit that we have come not one inch since then?

Jeffrey Stone, Fleming Square, Blackburn.