I have read the comments following the article (LT, April 6) on the use of the photos of my mum at the EDL demonstration.

It amazes me how many people have used the killing of my mother to jump on the bandwagon and use this as a wholly political and racist agenda.

I understand the right of all people to protest and as long as it is peaceful and legal, I hold no issue.

But when it upsets people that have no bearing on your beliefs or values and they do not even have the bottle to request permission (as I can only assume they knew they would not have it), well how can they make a valid argument?

For us this has never been and will never be a racial or political issue.

It is about all young (and older) people respecting the rules of our roads and understanding they are there for a reason.

However, I would also like to thank all the people who commented and were genuinely sympathetic to my family’s feelings.

Richard Holt (via email).