DUE to large foreign debts incurred by the previous government’s unaffordable spending, and helped by the banks’ reckless lending, all of us face a severe cutback on public spending.

Of course all council departments will have to be closely monitored and, as council tax payers, we insist that where savings can be made in non- essential areas, these should be the first target.

Councillor Hollern has told us 1,000 council jobs are to go and a further 2,000 public sector jobs are at risk.

There are 60 councillors in Blackburn with annual expenses in the region of £5,000. Are 60 councillors necessary when other towns with populations similar to our own manage with many fewer?

The chief executive and directors, all of whom earn well in excess of the Prime Minister, will all have been asked, I hope, to make some financial sacrifice.

Do we need The Shuttle, beautifully produced on high quality paper? I’m sure many readers have many sensible waste-saving ideas.

JAMES WOODACRE, Kentmere Drive, Blackburn.