It's been claimed that 39% of incapacity claimants are fit for work.

What the report doesn’t say is how many are appealing the decision and will have to survive on less than income support in the meantime.

The report said 31% of claimants were deemed to need unconditional support and the remaining 39% could start the journey back to work with help and support.

What about the other 30%? Can’t they add up?

And where is the support they mention?

I recently attended two courses that will end in the very near future. These courses save more money than they cost to run.

I have done voluntary work and used my chronic condition to inspire ideas to help others.

To say there is help to get back to work when it’s being cut is a lie.

The simplest change would be to review if the claimant has been treated properly by the NHS.

If failings are identified then intervention sooner would no doubt make a difference.

Ian Davies, Worcester Road, Blackburn.