THE 4x4 drivers on Darwen Moor are not just idiots but vandals.

They should be treated in the same way by police as urban vandals who damage cars, break down garden fences and destroy saplings.

The West Pennine Moors are being systematically damaged by thoughtless louts who buy a 4x4 or an off-road motorbike then drive or ride wherever they wish, breaking down any fence or wall that gets in their way.

They have no idea, or probably do not care, about the problems they leave behind as long as they have a good time.

They have no concern about a farmer’s stock straying on to roads and, when challenged by farmers or walkers, often become abusive.

The damage to the environment, much of which is very fragile and has taken since the last Ice Age to develop, will not repair itself easily.

I think the police should have confiscated vehicles and published their names.

G P Worden, Burnley.