How I sympathise and understand the disgust felt by R K Atkinson (‘Disgusted to see area blighted’, Opinion, February 8).

I too enjoy the pleasure of walking in some of the lovely countryside surrounding our town but everywhere you go you are surrounded with litter.

This problem is definitely on the increase as is the inconsiderate and lazy people who leave dog excrement tied in bags on trees in hedges.

It reflects badly on responsible and caring dog owners.

Walking regularly on Stockclough Lane (Jam Pot Lane), Feniscowles, my friends and I were appalled at the litter not only for walkers but wildlife and plantlife as well, so last week we spent a full afternoon clearing this lane of cans, bottles and paper etc.

After several visits to the tip it once again looked liked a country lane but no doubt when we visit again the litter louts will have been at work Loretta Davies, Livesey.