There is misunderstanding about the place Wilpshire (LT, February 9). Here are the facts:

Wilpshire is not a vague area to the north east of Blackburn, it is an administrative area within Ribble Valley known as a parish.

This is nothing to do with church parishes.

The parishes of the Ribble Valley form the borough. In Blackburn, the administrat-ive areas are known as wards.

All residents of Wilpshire pay council tax, or rates if it is a business premises, to Ribble Valley Borough Council.

Wilpshire Parish Council raises a levy known as a precept which forms part of the council tax paid by all residents to provide local facilities.

The boundaries of Wilpshire are clearly defined and other nearby parishes within the Ribble Valley are Ramsgreave, Salesbury, Clayton-le-Dale, Langho, etc.

The main road – the A666 (Whalley New Road) – passing through Brownhill ward becomes known as Whalley Road as soon as it enters Wilpshire.

The Bulls Head is not in Wilpshire but Blackburn.

David Briffett, parish councillor, Wilpshire.