REFERENCE the letter ‘Market glory days over’ (LT, January 28), I agree wholeheartedly.

Blackburn with Darwen Council have really sold us down the river. Of all the stalls we visit every week on the market, not one will be in the new premises.

Everyone has told us they cannot make it with the rental costs having soared. So they have had no option other than to leave.

I thought the council in the 60s and 70s had made a mess of our town centre, demolishing the Thwaites arcade and then Town Hall Market and Clock Tower, but today’s have gone much further.

We have always been a market town and that is what people want – not a fancy continental market that’s alien to us.

They could even have put up stalls in Church Street on market days.

I am so disillusioned that my husband and myself are considering finding another place to shop, maybe Accrington or some other town that hasn’t destroyed its northern roots.

I feel so sad for Blackburn because I adopted it as my second home after leaving Bolton, and learned to love it.

But not any more.

A DEWHURST, Arran Avenue, Shadsworth.